Exhale Massage and Yoga
Wellness for body, mind and spirit

Reiki /Trauma-Informed Sessions

For centuries, civilizations and faiths from around the world have understood that we are made up of energy, and that this energy connects all of us (Prana, Chi, Qi, magnetic field, etc). There have been many forms of energy work throughout the years, all similar in the belief of this universal energy and it's ability to enhance the body's own innate ability to heal. We are pleased to offer Energywork-only sessions (Sarah's primary training is Reiki), as well as trauma-sensitive sessions that may incorporate energy work with other modalities, all while fully clothed. 


For Energywork-only sessions, you will remain fully clothed as you comfortably lay face up, supported by bolsters and pillows as needed. Your practitioner will move through the body, feeling for places where she is guided to stay, and simply allowing herself to be a channel through which this energy may flow to where it is needed. Your practitioner may alternate between laying on of hands and letting hands hover above certain places, however if you would prefer that the session be entirely hands off, please let us know and we are happy to accommodate. 

After your session, you may feel deeply relaxed or as though you have been meditating. Energy healing has been shown to be helpful in coping with anxiety and depression, and may assist in moving through trauma. Those working with physical ailments may find their body feeling healthier, with more range of motion in tight places, reduced pain, and overall sense of well being. Sensations of warming, tingling, floating, goose bumps, buzzing and more can be totally normal, and all sensations should feel pleasant (although it's ok if you don't feel anything at all!). It is important to note that the practitioner is not doing the healing, but rather acting as a channel through which this healing energy may flow, and encouraging the body/mind/spirit's own ability to heal. There are no contraindications for Reiki, anyone can receive it and all can benefit from it. 


For trauma-informed custom sessions, you will remain fully clothed unless otherwise requested. These sessions are offered by Sarah, who is a trauma survivor herself and has deep compassion for others who are recovering from trauma. Your session will begin with discussion to find out your unique needs and meet you where you are, using trauma-sensitive verbiage and welcoming you to set clear and empowered boundaries for our time together. The remainder of your session may include any combination of energy work (hands-on or hands-off), thai massage (combination of compression and gentle stretching), guided breathwork/relaxation/meditation, and reflexology of face/scalp/hands/feet. This is a wonderful option for anyone who has reservations about massage or bodywork, is on a path of healing from trauma, or simply feels most comfortable remaining fully clothed for bodywork/energy work for any reason, and Sarah looks forward to welcoming you with open arms and a nurturing spirit. 


Rates for these sessions are the same as massage ($130 for a single 60 minute session, with package options available). Please visit the massage pricing tab to learn about all pricing options. Thank you!


To learn more about Reiki: https://iarp.org/what-is-reiki/



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